Wednesday 30 July 2014

Wetlands Are Special Places

What are wetlands ?
Well , there are different kinds like swamps , bog ,
mangrove forest and marshes .
Wetlands can be by the ocean or by rivers or inland .
A wetland usually has water ,
special plants that can live in water
and a special kind of soil
that can hold water for a long time.

Wetlands are very important

Water running down from the land to rivers and
lakes are cleaned as they pass through wetlands.
The wetlands take away a lot of the dirt and poisons .

Wetlands can also help control flooding
like in the story you have just read

Many animals depend on wetlands
for water and food

Wetlands are home to many special kinds of fish,
frogs, birds, shrimps  and hundreds of tiny creatures
that live in the mud. Wetlands are also home to
special plants that can be used for food and medicines.
When wetlands are destroyed ,
these plants and animals are gone forever.

If you have wetlands  near your home ,
visit them and enjoy them .
Keep them clean .Don’t throw rubbish in them.    

Source: Safe In The Wetland(by : Geraldine St. Clare)                              

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